Hope (10/01/2020)

We completed the first quarter of the current Toastmasters year. It is a good time to take a pause and reflect. Think about your progress, see how your experiments of self-growth and service are playing out. What is working? what would you change?

I have been thinking about you. Mother nature continued to test our resilience with yet another hardship, the forest fires, this past few weeks. Its effects are not unnoticed. I want to know, how are you? If you are affected by this disruption, I want you to know that we are in this together. I recognize how hard it is to stay hopeful in such a disconcerting circumstance. But your courage gives me hope.

Amidst all this crisis over 2000 members still chose to continue with their membership and are working on their goals, that gives me hope. Despite the challenges of online meetings, more than 350 educational achievements submitted so far this year, that gives me hope. Your participation in Club Officer Training (847 Club officers trained), Your engagement in the educational sessions offered through The Great Events, Your participation in the Fall Fusion, your energy, the stories of your growth through online meetings and the tireless service of the extended district team, that gives me hope.

To hope is not to deny or overlook reality. To hope is to rise above the obstacles. To hope is to not give up. Imagine, what happens, when you persevere, and you realize your potential, your practice through Toastmasters helps you to grow, in your career, as a student, as a community member and as a citizen. Your example inspires others. And that’s my hope.

The stories of the greatest human accomplishments came from adversities. Those stories had suffering and tragedy, setbacks and loss. But they also had persistence and courage, perseverance and a dogged belief in one’s own effort and sometimes in a ‘Friendly Universe’. That challenge, difficulty, internal or external are the greatest gift in disguise given to us.

I invite you to continue the work of self-development you began with Toastmasters in the face of this adversity. I invite you to see the opportunity that hides behind the labels of discomfort, scheduling challenges and the ‘Zoom Fatigue’. You will discover that there is potential, there is greatness, there is a change waiting to happen, your hopes waiting to come alive.

As always, I hope to hear from you, your stories and your experiments!



Vaibhav Singh, District (101) Director, 2020–21

My mission is to bring out the best in my readers. Most of the blogs here are my messages to District-101 members.